Dispatch Terms of Service
1 - Expletives and Harassment
By accessing and utilizing the services provided by Dispatch, you hereby acknowledge and agree to adhere to the terms set forth below.
1.1 - The use of expletives and engagement in harassment on the Dispatch platform is strictly prohibited. Such activities are subject to monitoring through a secure profanity filter. Any content deemed inappropriate will result in an HTTP error code 422 Unprocessable Entity
, and persistent violations may lead to permanent suspension.
2 - Attempted Cracking
2.1 - Unauthorized attempts to circumvent security measures, including but not limited to cracking, are expressly forbidden. Dispatch employs robust encryption protocols to safeguard user data, and stringent measures against SQL injection and JS injection attacks are in place. All data transmissions occur exclusively between secure HTTPS sites.
2.2 - While users are permitted and encouraged to establish their Dispatchx client (e.g., werdl/pydispatchx), it is imperative to duly credit the associated repository. Any attempts to compromise the integrity of the database, including cracking or unauthorized access, are strictly prohibited.
3 - General Rules
3.1 - Users are reminded to exercise discretion and courtesy in their interactions on the Dispatch platform. Content shared should adhere to a standard of communication that one would employ in face-to-face interactions, recognizing the human presence behind each monitor.