Dispatchx Privacy Policy

This piece of software is licensed under the Mozilla Public License 2.0, a version of which is kept in LICENSE.

1 - User Data

We do not store any identifying details of users that are not provided to us. We also do not access any user details, or glean any data from the messages table.

2 - Chatroom Data

Each chatroom has its own row in rooms, containing the room uuid, used so that multiple rooms can have the same alias, the alias (nickname) of a room (encrypted), the list of users in the room (encrypted), and the creator of the room (encrypted).

3 - Message Data

Messages are stored with a room uuid in the messages table. The data stored contains the message uuid, the room uuid, the sender (encrypted), the content (encrypted), and the UTC timestamp of when it was sent. Messages have a uuid, but the are not currently in use, rather there for future purposes such as message deletion.